I wanted to take this moment to welcome and thank you for being here in this space with me.
I know it’s heavy at times and full of unpopular and painful subjects. I personally needed this space to exist because I was no longer able to live in ways that didn’t honour those parts of me. I couldn’t hide them anymore. I couldn’t live like it wasn’t apart of me everyday. I was empty of pretending and performing trying to fit into people and a world that never fit me.
So I created Self Claimed Journey for me to land in my truth. To be seen in my journey instead of hiding in it. To share my stuff as I’m able so that others know it’s natural to struggle and move in and through hard stuff. That often trauma robs us of so much of ourself and it’s okay to explore that, to be mad about it, to grieve that. That no one here needs to put a bow on anything, unless YOU want to. You’re okay here to lay down hard shit and be real messy. You can gain support where you need it and give it to others. A safe space to be honest and real about yourself.
I struggled to find spaces that were honest and helpful with Trauma. I found myself confused and ashamed instead of supported. It would become another place I didn’t fit and make sense. Too many places exist where our recovery has to be and look a certain way. Well, not here.
We get to be real, not perfect. We get to rest and recover in compassion and support. We get to be seen, not fixed.
Grateful you’re here.
In support and love,